Sharif University of Technology has signed a memorandum of understanding with Politecnico Di Milano and agreed to develop a system of academic exchanges from the year 2016 that will allow a Ph.D. candidate to perform coordinated doctoral studies at both universities by spending periods of similar duration at both sides, jointly guided by scientific supervisors from both universities, aimed at obtaining the doctoral title from each university by satisfying the requirements and quality standards of the doctoral studies of each university. After completing the double doctoral program and satisfying all the associated requirement, the Ph.D. candidate will be awarded the “Dottorato di ricerca “by Politecnico di Milano and Doctor of Philosophy by Sharif University of Technology.
Good knowledge of the Italian language is required, otherwise the candidate should take several courses at Politecnico to improve his/her Italian language.
Duration of the Program: 4 Years (2 years at SUT, 2 Years at Politecnico Di Milano)
The Ph.D. candidate will be enrolled annually at both universities. However the enrollment fees will be paid only to the home university (i.e. the University of Origin)
Each university will appoint a professor as thesis supervisor. Atleast 15 ECTS credits related courses must be obtained at the Politecnico di Milano.
The Doctoral Thesis should be written in English, with two extended summaries in the language of the two involved universities.
The defense of the thesis will be held at SUT, the committee for the thesis defenses will be composed by three professors (one from SUT, One from Politecnico Di Milano and one from a different university).
The students at the International campus of Sharif University of Technology can now apply to this Joint Degree Program if they meet the criteria and requirements of this program.
For more information about Politecnico Di Milano (including the educational programs, professors, and area of specialization, campus life, etc.) please refer to its official website: http://www.polimi.it OR Visit Sharif University: http://ia.sharif.ir/dual-degree-programs/